My lesson reflection
Number: 72090355
Name: Kim Su-ah
My lesson's title is "Good looks, bad looks"
I made ppt slide a title is " Good looks, bad looks",
because Ss can focus on their topic easily. To understand many ss, I made PPT .
*Class room description
I had three class of second grade students.
2-1 students are lowest level of the second grade students.
2-2 students are middle level.
2-3 students are highst level of the second grade ss.
Before the lesson, to students understanding, I made a ppt that difficult vocabulary with picture cue. In this stage, Ss feel very diificulty to the ss level. so I feel
I should use more easy vocubulary or should level up to 4grade or 5grade.
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Starting to the class I introduced 6 insects with pictures to the ss Most of the ss know the name of the insects.
and I checked their word comprehension with spelling ability,too.
I prepared YES/NO cards for the discussion questions.
These cards help YLS's opinion about insects easily.
YLS easily forget their choose and confused.
During the discussion question , Ss get this YES/NO cards.
Edges of the cards are too sharp to YL, so I made a round edges.
Considering about YLS, I made a ppt visually.
Discussion part is most worried part me and Prof, Curtis, too.
Because YLS don't understand discussion meaning and they have low ability of the english. So I gave discussion sentence for YLS.
I made a pair group to the s. If you have a YES card, you can answer YES card part. Some ss don't know about words that express what their feeling about insects. My co-teacher and I help them.
I think they like to express their feeling and get a card part. They think really carefully and discuss their friend own their way.
Getting know the special point is Ss get to all of the small things even look worthless things have a very worthy.
So I show the picture first, and Ss guessed what is special point of the insects.
They confused about ants-cooperate well part . but end of the part of this activity they try to remember and understand, and I translate korean to easy understanding to the ss. YL enjoy to guess about insects. In the english class in our elementary school has a giant model of the insects. they can see the model, too
Originally my lesson plane I want to them touch these model, but they might broke the model. One of my ss already broken that dragonfly giant model. I decorate to the wall. They can see, and they can touch softly.
After the guessing activity I showed the ss Ugly duckling videoclips.
They can chance to think about ugly ducking is a ugly including the duck's herd. but he is really special and beautiful swan. During the video clip they really like it After the Videoclip I can ask to the ss " What do you think about ugly duckling?"
"Is ugly duckling really ugly?" like this
To Ss deeper understanding,and remind learning their I made a Jeopardy game to the Ss. After video clip, they can think carefully about insects special things.
I choose carefully picture in the ppt, they can think their disable ss,too
and, doing this game they can remind Insect's special point easily and funny.
Making this game I made a big mistake. Choosing first big point Ss can win all the time. So I really apologize to the Ss. and I promise I will prepare really enjoy fair game to you then Could you forgive me? then they forgive me ^^;;
That is I want to tell my YLS!!
For the post activity , I want to YLS can personalize their today's learning.
So They drew the favorite insects. If they possible, They can write about insects and shortly, just word is OK in the INSECT's drawing. YL likes to drawing and coloring. So I can be great and fun experience about insects.. and my ss really like it!!
-My co-teacher is really enjoy my lesson. but one thing she worried about is little difficult to the second grade ss specially word part. She likes contents. She told me fourth grade ss might be good.
-After the class, I feel really fruitful. but I had many mistakes about my lesson, because it's my first experience critical lesson. It's great experience to my Teaching. So I would like improve my teaching considering today's class!!
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